Tuesday, May 30, 2017

As we get closer to the end of the year, there are a number of permission forms for field trips that need signing.
 Please check backpacks and get them sent back as soon as possible!!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

The field trip yesterday to Leonard's Mills was fabulous!  It was pretty buggy, but the kids were troopers and didn't let it take away from the fun.  Some of the highlights were the fish ladder, where the kids were catching and releasing alewives in big nets, sometimes they caught 5 at a time! There were "old-timey"games, crafts and a lot of learning more about Maine logging history, especially the the Lombard Log Hauler.  As one student put it, " I guess people were pretty smart back then."  I guess she was right.

Image result for lombard log hauler

Many thanks to our wonderful parent volunteers, the trip was so much more fun and interactive with all of you there to support our class.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

I hope you all have been able to spend more time outside than inside this weekend!  Spring is a very busy time in and out of school, so there are a lot of things coming up.

Wednesday, May 24 - Day long Field Trip to Leonard's Mills
       If you have not returned the permission slip yet for this trip, please do so as as soon as possible!!  I am still missing a few. Some important notes for this trip - we will be gone the whole school day, and will be outside for about 6 hours.  We will be going no matter what the weather is, so if it looks like rain, send their rain gear as well.  Right now, the forecast is calling for a chance of showers, but keep your fingers crossed for a pleasant day.

Please send your student to school this Wednesday with sunscreen on, and already sprayed with bug spray, wearing sneakers.    Because it has been so wet, it is likely to be very buggy there, and this is also a bad year for ticks.

Wednesday, May 31 -  Tour of Old Town Field Trip
Permission slips and more information are coming home this week. Please sign the permission form and get them back ASAP!

Wednesday, May 31 - The OTES Annual Pancake Breakfast is coming up!  The breakfast is open to all families and is FREE!  Please come on May 31st from 7:00-8:30am and enjoy bacon, eggs, fruit, juice, and coffee.  This wonderful breakfast is sponsored by our OTES PTC

Tuesday, June 13 - Old Town Airport/Forestry/OT Museum Field Trip
details and permission slip to come.

Last Friday was World of Work Day at OTES, and the Third Grade had a busy morning learning about the Arts from the Next Generation Theater. We also learned what it takes to be a chef, a TV reporter, a TV cameraman, a Hair Stylist, and a Wildlife Management professional.  Many thanks to our presenters, and to Mrs.Wilcox for organizing this eye-opening day!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

     Please be aware that my email has changed.  It will be susanne.white@rsu34.org.  I am not sure if this is a permanent change, but for now, if you need to contact me via email please send it to this address. 
     If you have any urgent dismissal changes during the school day, please call the office and speak to Kathy Rivers and she will get the message to me.